Health Factors to Consider When Traveling with Celiac Disease
When you are preparing for a trip, you’ll want to consider your health to have a smooth and enjoyable experience during your travels. If you have an auto-immune condition like I do, you’ve most likely experienced issues with changes in weather or altitude. You can also be affected if you have a medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease. Before going on any trip, make sure to consult with your doctor and the CDC to find out if the destination you’d like to vacation is a good choice for you!
It can be surprising how much is different somewhere else, when it comes to your health!
Will the Change of Weather Affect You on Your Vacation?
Traveling to a different climate can affect your health because the change in weather can cause you to become sick or worsen an existing condition and affect how your medication works. Therefore, ensure to take precautions before going on vacation or traveling for work purposes, such as having all your required medications with you on your trip.
Weather affects everyone differently. For example, people with asthma may find that their symptoms worsen in certain weather conditions. Suppose you are sensitive to changes in climate and experience discomfort. In that case, you’ll need to find out what additional measures you’ll need to take to have a safe trip.
To avoid the possibility of worsening your asthma, you can bring an inhaler and other daily medications as well as a letter from the prescribing doctor which provides a list of any known allergies and/or adverse reactions to medicines so they can be easily identified by emergency personnel should there ever be a need for treatment on a trip away from home.
Carry Medication for Your Period of Travel
When you travel, it is essential to carry enough medication for your period of travel. If you need daily medications, make sure they are in their original containers and have the correct dosage. Also, pack an extra supply of medicine if your travels are extended during transit or if there's a delay with customs clearance.
If necessary, request samples from your doctor instead of buying new ones abroad. Medication should always be stored out of direct sunlight and not exposed to extreme temperatures. Also, ensure that any prescriptions are up-to-date at least a month ahead of your travel time so as not to run into problems when traveling through different countries with varying laws on prescription drug use.
Traveling Post-Op
If you’re traveling post-surgical procedure, you want to make sure you are traveling after your doctor has released you from their care or cleared you for travel to the specific location you are going to for your vacation. Make sure to consult with your doctor before making your travel plans.
Depending on what type of surgery or procedure you had performed, your physician may recommend post-op care during your vacation. Make sure you have any post-op care items, such as bandages, packed in your suitcase before heading out the door! In addition, you might want to carry compression socks to avoid blood clots after surgery, especially if your doctor recommends them. You can learn more about compression socks on this blog post.
Availability of Your Doctor for Consultation and Advice
One of the most important things to consider is your health. This includes making sure you have all medications for your trip. In addition, you’ll want to consider access to a doctor who can give advice on traveling or help if something goes wrong during your journey. Find out if there is a clinic or medical professional in the location you are traveling to. You can call or visit if you have a medical concern.
It is always good to have your personal physician a phone call away. Still, some doctors are working abroad who may be able to provide additional guidance when necessary. Having information about closest emergency rooms is another excellent option for those going into unknown territory. You can also locate hospitals around the world that take patients with travel insurance plans. Finally, if you’re looking to purchase medical travel insurance, you can find medical and travel insurance through Visitors Coverage.
Although you don’t want to excessively worry about your health while on vacation, make sure to take some time to be aware of any health factors that may affect you while traveling. These concerns are not only limited to your own personal well-being but also to those around you as well. Your loved ones and strangers alike will appreciate it if you can keep yourself safe in any way possible.
Discover tips on how to safely travel gluten-free with my complimentary ebook, Ten Tips for Traveling Gluten Free! You can also find out more details about how to travel via cruise, road trip, or camping and learn the freedom you can have when you know how to travel with Celiac disease when you grab my Guide to Traveling Gluten Free.