Start Off with a Healthy Gluten Free New Year in 2023!
We've all decided at one time or another to turn our health around. Perhaps you're going through a fitness slump, where it's hard to muster up the motivation to head to the gym. Or maybe your diet has been a little unhealthy in recent weeks. But starting a health routine can take a great deal of commitment. So you need to stick to it if you want to see the results.
Maybe you've tried everything to lose weight and improve your well-being, from fad diets and CBD oil to high-intensity workouts and hypnotherapy. But the only surefire way to achieve good health is to adopt and maintain good habits.
These habits include eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and looking after your mental health. And they need to become a solid part of your life if they are ever going to work. It may be difficult at first, but if you keep these habits going for long enough, they become ingrained in your routine.
Here are a few tips for maintaining healthy habits to help you on your path to physical and mental well-being in 2023.
Diet is an essential component to leading a healthy lifestyle. Although the turn of the New Year is a popular time to start an exercise program, anytime is a great time to start building more healthy habits, especially if you have an auto-immune disease such as Celiac.
Start on Your Exercise Program Today
If you plan to get healthy, but you're waiting for the right time to start, it's probably never going to happen. There's never a perfect time, as you'll always be busy with work or personal issues. The best thing you can do is just get started today. Go for a run, make a salad for lunch, turn your phone off and get an early night. Taking 15 minutes for two to three days per week is a great way to start off slow. You can always build your way up to a full schedule. You can make a full training schedule and meal plan later, so stop procrastinating and take that first step.
Set Goals for Your Health
If you have something to aim for, it will make it much easier to see results. Going into a healthy routine with a simple desire to get fitter, lose weight, or be more healthy, is not specific enough. You have no idea what success looks like, so you'll be more likely to lose motivation and give up on your good habits. Instead, set yourself specific goals for which to aim.
A suitable objective might be to lose ten pounds by the end of the year, or run a full marathon, depending on where you are starting from in your health journey. Your goal can simply be to eat one fresh fruit or vegetable every day. Like exercising, you can start small and work your way up, adding new healthy habits once a month until you have several healthy habits you've integrated daily. A concrete goal to aim for, even if small, allows you to track your progress and see a little bit of success each day.
Make it stand out
Make Yourself Accountable for Your 2023 Health Goals
If no one else knows about your health goals, it is much easier to give up on them. You won't have to deal with the embarrassment of telling your friends and family you didn't have the willpower to see it through. But if you announce your plans from the offset, this makes you accountable and puts gentle pressure on you to succeed. You can start by simply putting a small erasable whiteboard on your home's refrigerator and writing down your weekly goal. Next, ask your family members for a specific support action item, such as making sure you're up on time to exercise in the morning. In addition, you can log your progress on social media, asking your followers to keep you accountable. Lastly, you can share a goal with a friend and have a daily text message to keep each other on track! Think of a fun way to reach your goals and implement your plan!
Remember, big changes don't happen overnight. It will take some time for your health to significantly improve, so you must take it slow and be patient with the process. A healthy lifestyle is all about consistency, so keep up the good work, and you will see results.
Discover tips on how to safely travel gluten-free with my complimentary ebook, Ten Tips for Traveling Gluten Free! You can also find out more details about how to travel via cruise, road trip, or camping and learn the freedom you can have when you know how to travel with Celiac disease when you grab my Guide to Traveling Gluten Free.
And if you're looking for the best all-natural gluten-free travel cosmetics, check out the brand line that eliminates over 100 common chemicals in regular hair and skincare in my gluten-free shop. While shopping there, you're supporting the Travel Gluten Free Podcast and the production costs for creating my podcast.
Start on Your Exercise Program Today
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.