How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle Journey
A healthy lifestyle journey requires consistency, discipline, and patience. As someone with an auto-immune disease knows, having a healthy lifestyle is necessary if you want to feel good daily. Starting with diet, then exercise, and other healthy habits such as meditation, taking time for yourself to relax, and going on vacation, you can find your own personal health lifestyle groove.
If you don't have an auto-immune disease, you can start at any of these places. However, many people want to start with dieting or exercise when starting a healthy lifestyle journey. Others may want to start drinking more water. Whatever your starting point is, you need to make sure that you approach your lifestyle modification with the right mindset!
However you want to start your lifestyle journey is up to you. Don’t let it paralyze you - the most important thing is getting started in the first place!
Start with Your Healthy Lifestyle Goal in Mind
While you may have a big goal of weight loss, having more daily energy, or being more flexible, you'll want to take your big goal and break it down by setting small goals. Next, take these small goals and create manageable first steps that you can achieve every day. By taking small steps to achieve your overall health goals, you can accomplish a holistically healthy lifestyle and reap the benefits of your new habits!
What is a Healthy Lifestyle Journey?
A healthy lifestyle journey is a journey to change your daily habits into a more healthy way of living. Your new journey is an excellent opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. And while changing your life doesn't happen overnight, the benefits are priceless. Remember to start your healthy lifestyle journey with an open mind and be willing to work hard to achieve your goals long term.
A healthy lifestyle journey is discovering and implementing changes in your life that will help you live a more fulfilling, healthier life. This process of self-discovery and self-realization will help you learn what makes you happy and what makes you feel good. In addition, when you start to reflect on your current habits on a healthy lifestyle journey, you can realize perspectives of your own daily life that have been holding you back emotionally and physically.
The Benefits of Starting a Healthy Lifestyle Journey
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are numerous. They can include better sleep, more energy, less stress, and improving your mental health. Starting a healthy lifestyle journey is essential if you want to live longer and have a better quality of life!
Ditching Your Old, Negative Habits
Many people have bad habits that they want to change. Or, if you've recently found out that you have Celiac disease, you'll need to change your diet to improve your health to feel good daily. And even though a diagnosis of Celiac disease or other auto-immune diseases can be a motivator to eat better for your body, it's still hard to break old habits. So here are some ways that you can help yourself break old habits and replace them with healthy ones. Taking out your old habits and welcoming healthier habits will fuel your new lifestyle.
Four Simple Steps for Starting Your Health Journey
The most crucial detail to remember is that your health journey starts with the first small step after deciding that you want to make your change. The following steps are an excellent place to start:
Step #1: Set goals that are realistic and achievable. Although if you have Celiac disease or need to cut out gluten, you'll need to do this right away. Start with the basics - replace your bread and pasta with gluten-free versions. Take items with gluten out of your kitchen or make a spot with a container that contains food with gluten on the bottom shelf, so the risk of cross-contamination is negligible.
Step #2: Create a healthy lifestyle plan. Whether you want to use an app, write this down in a journal, or simply use the notes on your computer, find a way to easily access and utilize your plan that works for you.
Step #3: Identify your negative and bad eating habits triggers and find ways to manage them. Since I didn't grow up with enough food to eat, one of my personal triggers is eating food too quickly! Still, as an adult, I need to remind myself to slow down to eat, especially when I'm working. Also, if you feel that you're missing out on eating gluten-free, then look online for your favorite items made gluten-free or try Instagram. Then, you'll want to check out my next step below!
Step #4: Find support in your community. There's a whole community out there to help you find support and food and overcome your challenges with Celiac disease. You can start by joining my Clubhouse group here.
Have a game plan and the right tools for your healthy lifestyle journey, especially if you're Celiac or gluten-free for medical reasons. You can even work with a coach or add the right supplements, such as Please always consult a medical practitioner when choosing supplements to add to your healthy lifestyle.
After deciding you want to start your healthy lifestyle journey, the next step is to make a game plan. It’s a lot easier to take small steps that you’ve planned out ahead of time!
How To Choose the Best Diet For You
There are many types of diets out there, but some of them are more effective than others. The best diet for you depends on your needs and lifestyle. If you are Celiac, you'll definitely want to eat gluten-free. However, if you're not Celiac or have an auto-immune or other medical condition, eating gluten-free may not be the best choice for your healthy lifestyle. And, as opposed to the common belief, eating gluten-free alone is not a guarantee that you'll lose weight. Many gluten-free products are loaded with carbohydrates, notorious for adding those pounds.
So, if you're looking to lose weight, the best diets for weight loss (if you want to keep the weight off) are the ones that focus on healthy eating and exercise. Consult a health coach or medical provider on the best type of diet for you, so you can start to eat a healthier, more balanced, and varied diet that fuels you and gives you more energy throughout the day.
What are Some of the Best Ways to Stay Motivated With Your Diet?
The key to staying motivated on your diet is keeping yourself accountable and staying in touch with what you're doing. Take small steps towards your goal. Staying in touch with what you are doing by updating your progress and sharing it on social media can help you too.
The Importance of Being Active and Moving Your Body More
Physical activity is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. It keeps the body and mind healthy, increases mental and physical energy, improves mood, and helps to prevent chronic diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, there are many benefits of exercise, such as increased muscle strength, bone density, cardiovascular health, weight management, improved sleep quality, and more.
There are many ways to exercise, from walking to running and yoga. But the most crucial aspect to remember is to find an app, class, or workout routine that you enjoy doing so you can stick with your exercise program long-term.
The power of exercise lies in its ability to change your life for the better, from boosting moods and decreasing stress levels, to reducing inflammation and improving cognitive function. When you combine healthy eating and exercise, you have the power to change your life for the better. In addition to improving your physical health, exercise is also known to improve your overall feeling of well-being and can also improve your mental health.
The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle for Your Mental Health
Mental health is an integral part of your overall health and can be improved by following a healthy lifestyle. You may find that a healthier lifestyle helps your mindset by boosting your mood, reducing your stress levels, and improving your sleep quality. All of these elements can positively affect anyone suffering from, or dealing with, chronic illness such as an auto-immune disease.
Healthy Lifestyles and How it Relates to Your Career
The work-life balance is a key factor in the success of an individual. As a result, a healthy work-life balance and a healthy workplace have gained traction in recent years. As a result, many companies make their workplaces more beneficial and more productive. Having a healthy lifestyle is numerous: better sleep, reduced stress, more energy, improved mental clarity, better physical health, and productivity.
So, my friend, take the first step today towards your better, healthier lifestyle journey. If you don't take your first step today, you will have been able to achieve many of your goals by next year! Start by setting one small goal today, then tomorrow, and find a way to keep your healthy lifestyle journal. Then, take one more step each day, and you'll see your small steps add up over time to a healthier you!
Discover tips on how to safely travel gluten-free with my complimentary ebook, Ten Tips for Traveling Gluten Free! You can also find out more details about how to travel via cruise, road trip, or camping and learn the freedom you can have when you know how to travel with Celiac disease when you grab my Guide to Traveling Gluten Free.