Think Locally for Budget Travel
Exploring the world around you can be less expensive than you think! Before you cringe when thinking about the cost of your next vacation, consider traveling down these less expensive avenues locally and return home with amazing memories, a fun adventure to remember, and hundreds of photos of your trip without breaking the bank.
You don’t always need an extravagant multi-week-multi-country trip - sometimes the best vacation memories can be made right in your area!
Vacation In Your Backyard
Yes, that exotic three-week vacation to hit all the sites in Europe sounds fantastic, but have you considered looking in your own backyard? When I lived in Utah, I found that many of the locals who had lived there all their life hadn't even seen all seven gorgeous National Parks right in the state, which people travel to from all over the world (I've heard multiple languages spoken on one trail hike!)
Look in your own backyard, and see what adventures you can take inside your own state. Check TripAdvisor, your state's tourism site, and do an internet search to see what other travelers have enjoyed. Google search for "Things to do..." and add your local destination to the search. You would be surprised to find out how many fun travel activities you can delve into within 100 miles of your home.
Another way you can find fun things to do nearby is to jump on
Pinterest and look for a hashtag of a place near you to see what pops up! Does your location lend to a border with another state? Even better! Search for localities within a two to three-state area. I bet with a little effort that, your search will turn up a plethora of types of museums, sites, and outdoor adventures you would not have considered before!
Road Trip for Budget Travel
To get to your destination, you have many choices. For the budget traveler, a road trip is the most economical venue. Especially with air travel so chaotic nowadays with pilot and flight attendant shortages, taking a road trip is a way to ensure you'll be able to get to your vacation on time.
Traversing the highways in your own car leaves you with no car rental costs, limited road time, or worrying about late fees. Your vehicle is your best choice for budget travel when you are moving around within driving distance from your home. Quickly estimate the cost of fuel with the GasBuddy app on your phone. Type in the location you are driving to, and the type of gas you would need to purchase, and Gas Buddy will give you the most up-to-date pricing on cost per gallon in the US. Easily map your miles using Apple Maps, Google Maps, or Waze for accurate mileage both to and from your destination.
In addition to the economy of a road trip, using your car gives you the freedom to leave and travel to your next destination or adventure on your own timetable, giving you more freedom when planning and experiencing your vacation adventure each step of the way!
Economical Lodging Options
You may know that Airbnb rentals include condos and homes, but did you know Air also rents couches and shared rooms in homes? For the single traveler, you can't beat renting a couch for one overnight at $25, especially if the stay is simply an overnight to break up a long road trip into two separate days of travel.
If you're looking exclusively for vacation rental homes where the owner doesn't live in the home, VRBO is the Vacation Rental By Owner platform which allows you to choose your vacation stay from a wide variety of homes and price points and all homes are private, so you don't have to room with the owner or another vacationer.
Do you have a travel partner? An economical choice would be a private room in a shared home. These are private furnished bedrooms in the same house, usually with a shared bathroom; however, you can find private bedrooms with private bathrooms for as little as $45 a night. At this price, you can stay at an Air for three nights at the price you would pay for one hotel overnight. Hosts are very welcoming, and my personal experience has been very good with Airbnb stays.
For budget travel, using these steps can be an easy, affordable way to find your next local destination without having to break into your local bank account, making your adventure become a reality. If you need help with planning your gluten-free road trip, reach out to me on my contact page at Travel Gluten Free.
Discover tips on how to safely travel gluten-free with my complimentary ebook, Ten Tips for Traveling Gluten Free! You can also find out more details about how to travel via cruise, road trip, or camping and learn the freedom you can have when you know how to travel with Celiac disease when you grab my Guide to Traveling Gluten Free.