How To Stay Safe When Traveling Gluten Free
Traveling can be an overwhelming experience for someone with gluten-free dietary requirements. Still, with proper research, you can be on your way to traveling gluten-free. Whether you have a medical condition such as Celiac disease or have a dietary requirement that puts you on gluten-free foods. In that case, you shouldn't be limited in travel.
While being gluten-free doesn't mean you must cook all your meals at home! While you must be more careful and plan to travel gluten-free, you can still travel and have fun. You just need to ensure you are fully prepared mentally and physically to take the trip and stay safe.
Here are basic tips to help you prepare for your trip and stay safe when you have gluten-free dietary requirements.
Just because you’re gluten-free doesn’t mean you can’t go anywhere! Book those plane tickets and pack that camera!
Tip #1: Plan Ahead and Pack Your Gluten Free Food
Planning and packing your own food is one of the best ways to enjoy your trip and ensure you stay safe while traveling. When you pack your own food, you will know what ingredients are in your food, and you don't need to take any risks eating out. Unfortunately, you can't always be sure what is in the food you can purchase at a supermarket or a restaurant or if the food they prepare for you at the restaurant has been cross-contaminated. This way, you can stay healthy, have food on hand whenever you are hungry, and ensure a good experience. Ensure you have the right equipment to take all your prepared food with you. For example, if you are camping, you can invest in the best men's tactical backpack to carry everything you may need to stay safe.
Tip #2: Take Control by Cooking Your Gluten Free Food
When booking a trip, whether it is a staycation or abroad, it can be extremely helpful to go camping or book an Airbnb. This will enable you to take control of your cooking as you don't have to rely on the hotel restaurant or a local restaurant to provide safe food. If you go camping, you'll have your own cooking equipment so you can make your own gluten-free camping food. When you stay in an Airbnb, they tend to come with a kitchen or a small space to prepare food. However, when you go to a hotel, you are usually limited to a coffee maker, mini-fridge, and microwave in your room. Make sure to call ahead and check with the hotel before making your reservation, so you know your room has a fridge and microwave. Kitchen amenities vary - even among the same hotel chain - so don't assume that the rooms will have the same amenities at the same hotel chain.
If you're in an Airbnb or are staying at a friend's home, make sure to wipe down and clean the surfaces and reclean the dishes and any cookware you plan to use. This will give you an extra level of protection against getting cross-contaminated. Also, don't use wooden cookware, utensils, or plates, as wood can absorb gluten and easily cross-contaminate your food.
Tip #3: Do Your Gluten Free Research Before You Travel
You should always research the location of the place you are going to stay, especially if you are going to a different country. This is because different places will have different rules around food and label their food differently. It is important to find out the dietary options and accommodations the town you're traveling to has, as well as what shops in the local area sell gluten-free food.
If you are going abroad, the supermarkets will be very different. They may not have separate sections for gluten-free food. Make sure to research local grocery stores and restaurants that offer safe, Celiac-friendly food. You should also include medical facilities in your research, so if you encounter any difficulty, you know where to go or who you can contact for support.
Lastly, if you need help planning your travel, contact me! I’ll help you plan your next gluten free vacation with a personalized travel guide. And if you’re looking to reserve an amazing gluten-free resort, hop on over to Ellen at Gluten Free Vacations. She has experience at many resorts that are gluten-free friendly and can direct you towards a stay that fits what you’re looking for in your gluten free travel experience.
Discover tips on how to safely travel gluten-free with my complimentary ebook, Ten Tips for Traveling Gluten Free! You can also find out more details about how to travel via cruise, road trip, or camping and learn the freedom you can have when you know how to travel with Celiac disease when you grab my Guide to Traveling Gluten Free.