Solving the Gluten Free Puzzle
Did you know there are four types of gluten-related disorders? The four types are Celiac disease, non-Celiac gluten sensitivity, wheat sensitivity, and wheat allergy. These four conditions affect about ten percent of the population; however, over half of those individuals do not realize they have this health issue because their symptoms range from gastrointestinal distress to joint pain. Individuals aren’t making the connection between diet and their bodies reacting negatively to wheat or gluten.
There are a lot of resources out there to help you figure out if you have a gluten sensitivity. Susan Neal wrote her book about her journey to discovering her own gluten sensitivity.
Gluten Sensitivity and Wheat Allergy
When her sister was diagnosed with nonceliac gluten sensitivity, Susan Neal realized how hard the gluten-free lifestyle was to adjust to from a regular diet. As a child, Susan was allergic to wheat but grew out of the allergy as a teen. When she had a health crisis eight years ago, she was tested and realized she had become wheat sensitive. She was inspired to write her book Solving the Gluten Puzzle: Discover if You are Gluten Sensitive and How to Embrace the Gluten-Free Lifestyle? to help others discover if gluten might be an issue and how to transition to a gluten-free diet.
Solving the Gluten Puzzle helps readers put together their health care puzzle, as there is no specific test to diagnose non-celiac gluten sensitivity or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Therefore, the lack of testing creates extreme difficulty in attaining a proper diagnosis. Celiac disease has increased by 400 percent in the past fifty years; scientists believe there must be external factors causing the rise in this disease.
Non-Classic Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder whereby the body attacks its own gastrointestinal system when a person ingests gluten. However, with non-classic celiac disease, an individual may not even suffer from typical GI symptoms and not be aware they have celiac disease. Anyone can develop celiac disease at any age with any combination of over 200 celiac disease symptoms. To obtain a proper diagnosis, the person must be eating gluten when being tested.
Susan Neal, Health and Wellness Coach, Author
As a child, Susan had a wheat allergy. As an adult, she became wheat sensitive. Susan Neal is an RN with an MBA and a master’s in health science. She lives her life with a passion for helping others improve their health. She is an award-winning author, speaker, and Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Her best-selling book is 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. Her newest release Solving the Gluten Puzzle, helps many determine if they have a gluten-related disorder. You can find Susan on
Discover tips on how to safely travel gluten-free with my complimentary ebook, Ten Tips for Traveling Gluten Free! You can also find out more details about how to travel via cruise, road trip, or camping and learn the freedom you can have when you know how to travel with Celiac disease when you grab my Guide to Traveling Gluten Free.