Using Your NIMA Sensor When Eating Out with Celiac Disease
I was thrilled to have David DellaFave from NIMA Partners on Season 08 Episode 10 of Travel Gluten Free Podcast recently! Dave came on the show to talk about how the NIMA sensor works, along with how to integrate your NIMA sensor into your gluten-free lifestyle.
Who Should Use the NIMA Sensor?
Anyone who has Celiac disease or is eating gluten-free for medical reasons such as an allergy, auto-immune disease that is affected by eating gluten, or if your family member, such as a child, falls under any of the above categories. The NIMA sensor and system are a great tool to add to your gluten-free toolbox to know your food is safe!
A NIMA sensor is an easy way to figure out if your food has gluten in it, without the struggle of hunting down the ingredient list that may not be accurate anyway!
Why Should I Use the NIMA Sensor?
If you’re Celiac like me, you know how sick you can get when you eat gluten. For me, it’s a cross between food poisoning and the flu and can last from three to ten days, depending on the amount of gluten I’ve eaten and the type of gluten I’ve ingested (fried gluten makes me the sickest!). I’ve also found out that although I eat a strict gluten-free diet, I’m still testing positive for gluten intake, so I’m on a mission to find out where the gluten is cross-contaminating me and how I can prevent gluten cross-contamination using the NIMA sensor.
What Can I Test in the NIMA Sensor?
With the NIMA sensor, you can test a variety of foods and beverages - not just the food you’re served when you eat out. Restaurants are the most common places people use NIMA sensors, but you can also test the gluten-free food you eat at home. If your food isn’t certified gluten-free, then you can run the risk of getting gluten in your system. In addition, I recently found out that my cough medicine had gluten in it when I had COVID a while back. So I was unaware that I was “glutening” myself, adding nausea to my COVID symptoms, and wondering why I was feeling sick at random times of the day. From here on out, I’m going to test my medicines in the NIMA sensor, so I don’t get glutened on top of being sick!
You can also test multiple foods at once in the NIMA sensor. So if you’re making lasagna, a casserole, or your favorite gluten-free quiche recipe for the summer, your NIMA sensor can be your best gluten-free friend, letting you know if the food you’re eating is safe.
How Does the NIMA Sensor Work?
Each NIMA sensor’s capsule is packed with science to accurately detect gluten. Using antibodies, a test strip, and a liquid extract, this powerful sensor can break down and detect the most minute amounts of gluten - even amounts under 20ppm. In fact, your NIMA sensor is 97% accurate at detecting levels of 20 parts per million (ppm) and above for gluten protein. So you can effectively test your food for Celiac safeness!
You’ll need to power up your sensor and open up a capsule. Once opened, place your food in the sensor. There is a test strip inside the sensor. As the test strip develops, an electronic sensor will detect the test result and tell you if your food has gluten in less than five minutes. A happy face = Celiac safe food. If you see an image of wheat, this means that gluten has been detected.
Gluten Free NIMA Sensor Backed by Third-Party Data and Studies
NIMA Partners does ongoing testing. Every test capsule is tested for quality. The NIMA system has been tested in the lab, the field, and with third-party testing. Results of the testing have been published in peer-reviewed journals. What does this mean? This means that the data from NIMA Partners has been verified with certainty and that we, as Celiacs, can trust that our NIMA sensor is working when we test our food!
How Do I Update My NIMA Sensor?
Your NIMA sensor can be updated via Bluetooth connection through the NIMA Partners mobile app. The algorithm can be updated by downloading the latest firmware updates from your NIMA Partners mobile app.
With many gluten-free influencers, including myself, using the NIMA sensor to detect if my food is safe, you, too, can give NIMA a try with a fantastic discount provided by NIMA! When you use this link, you can receive a significant discount on the purchase of your first NIMA sensor. Grab your sensor today, and start feeling more confident about the safety of the gluten-free food that you eat at a restaurant or in your own home!
Discover tips on how to safely travel gluten-free with my complimentary ebook, Ten Tips for Traveling Gluten Free! You can also find out more details about how to travel via cruise, road trip, or camping and learn the freedom you can have when you know how to travel with Celiac disease when you grab my Guide to Traveling Gluten Free.